Indian school jalan
Ambassador’s School Visit

Indian Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman Visits Indian School Jalan
His Excellency, Shri Amit Narang, Indian Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman, visited Indian School Jalan on May 30, 2021, along with Shri Pardeep Kumar, the First Secretary – Community Welfare. His Excellency was cordially welcomed at Indian School Jalan by the members of the School Management Committee, the Principal, School Council Members, and Staff Members. After the school tour, His Excellency joined the function organized at the Omani Women’s Association Hall in Jalan Bani Bu Ali.
Adv. Saeed TP, President of the School Management Committee, formally welcomed His Excellency and the gathering. The school’s Class X CBSE Board Examination toppers for the 2023-24 academic year were honored by His Excellency, who presented them with mementos and certificates of merit. The cultural programmes performed by the students were highly appreciated.
In his address, His Excellency admonished the students to embrace failures as stepping stones to success. He inspired them to pursue three vital endeavors in their lives. Firstly, he urged the students to cultivate the habit of reading. Secondly, he emphasized the importance of integrating Yoga into their daily routines. Lastly, he encouraged them to learn the Arabic language. His excellency also reminded the students that they are the future generation of India to uphold the value and culture of this great country.
The interaction session between the students of Indian School Jalan and His Excellency provided a golden opportunity for students to ask questions about the scope of pursuing higher education in Oman and ensuring equal opportunities for interior schools in competitions compared to those in the capital Schools.
As part of the school visit, His Excellency donated books to the school, which were received by the Principal, Mrs. Seema Sreedhar, in the function. Indian School Jalan honoured His Excellency, Shri Amit Narang, by presenting a memento as a token of appreciation and gratitude.
The event concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by the Principal, Mrs. Seema Sreedhar. Overall, it was a memorable day for the staff, students, and parents of Indian School Jalan.
Department Contact
- Indian School Jalan
- PO Box : 45, Postal Code : 416
- Jalan Bani Bu-Ali
- Sultanate of Oman
- Tel: 25554162
- GSM: 99299014